
Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Writing somple

Hi this is Case and I am going to do a writing somple of why Earth is the only planet we can live on. Ok lets start of easy water and food .We need plenty of water and food first of all you will get hydrated and will starve from food

You can not live on any other planet. We can`t live on any other planet because there is not enough oxygen. So you would have to where space gear. And if you stepped on another planet apart from Earth you will pop like a balloon!

We need the sun because planet Earth will freeze and be super dark without the sun. And also all the other planets including Earth will freeze and be super dark without the sun. And also all the other planets occluding earth will float away from its orbit from its orbit ah oh! Now are you glad we live on planet Earth! cool back there is another just like Earth what can support life it's called Kepler 452b

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