
Friday 21 May 2021

Making A Umu

WALT show people how to make a umu
 This week we are learning about Umus.Umus are a cultural way of cooking in Samoa. One of our learning tasks was to make a list of how to make a Umu I hope you like it   

Friday 14 May 2021

Making A Obstacle Course

                                                         Obstacle Course

                 This week Simon and I made a obstacle course for the Junior class Piwakawaka.
          We started off stabbing red polls into the ground this means they would run around the poles.
                     Then there was a snake like obstacle the Juniors had to balance on top of.
              I had an idea Simon and I could use I decided to put hurdles they could crawl under.
          After that Simon put foot and hand markers on the ground that so they can do handstands.
                   At the end we put green poles in the Grass they could Zig Zag through again.
             It went good because the juniors loved it and it challenged the juniors.