
Thursday 23 September 2021

The Water Cycle

 This week Mrs Taqea gave us a book about the water cycle and one of our task was to make a slide show about it. I found it pretty easy because I love doing slide shows.

Friday 17 September 2021

 WALT we are learning to make a comic.

This week we had to make a comic about something that happened in your family So I chose when  I got my little rabbit I hope you like it.πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Friday 10 September 2021


WALT we are learning to add pictures and slides to blogger
Today we have bean learning about memes first the teacher gave us some pictures of animals and then we had to write some thing funny about them I liked this learning because it was fun silly

Monday 6 September 2021

The Rabbit Lock down

 This lock down me and my brother were doing some yellow flower. If you do not know what yellow flower is it is a  poison flower that kills cows. While we were doing that I came cross a rabbit hole . So I decided I was going to dig it up. Later that same day I got the shovel and started digging and I managed to pull out three little rabbits so I took them home. When I got home I wrapped them up in a worm blanket and now I feed them with a bottle.πŸ°πŸ°πŸ°πŸ‡

Wednesday 4 August 2021

This week we have bean learning about the Olympics .We could have a decision of doing a poster about a person or the history on the Olympics and Olympic sport why you chose my favourite surfer from the Olympics Billy Stairmand this is my finished result

Friday 25 June 2021

I chose this piece of work because it tells you all about health and whats good to eat.
 I am proud of this work because it was so good the teacher decided to put it in one of our
 assembly.I took feedback from the teacher to make it better.It was hard at first but once I got the information it got easier and easier.

Friday 18 June 2021

Possum Trap Poster

This week we have been looking at possums and the damage they are causing our native environment.

This was one of our create tasks.

This piece of learning is a advertisement poster of why you should buy this possum trap.I chose this piece of learning to show people why you should get this possum trap to keep native animals alive.My next step will be to make it more detailed and to use more digital tools to make my learning better.Can you please give me feedback for my learning so I can add more information.